'chllng.me' game

The ‘chllng.me’ game is a virtual social experiment in order to prove that self-empowerment will work out better if it is triggered in a playful way. Our hypothesis of the ‘chllng.me’ experiment is that all challenges that are taken over are accomplished if there is an online collaboration and crowd sourcing accomplished. 

Initiated by Philippe Greier the chllng.me game is an experience created to test the business 3.0 model (business 1.0 = company, business 2.0 = networks, business 3.0 = games). Online communities have yet to prove that they can have a real/relevant impact on the offline world. Our main focus is on real life (offline) results, the online reality is an information and connection hub that empowers and enhances global contribution and impact. We would like to verify that with collaboration and a global contribution the power of one is extended.

It is only by experiencing the game that we can fully understand how the business model works and be able to share the way to scale and replicate it. The game goes like this:
  • name your vocation – what is your super-power? what’s that thing you do effortlessly and which creates energy for yourself and value for your community?
  • state your intention – what’s your mission? what do you want to achieve by using your super-power?
  • create challenges – what actions do you need to do in order to achieve your mission? A challenge is referring to things that are imbued with a sense of difficulty and victory (source Wikipedia) that leads to empowerment and make average people become entrepreneurs.
Rules for the fl9wrider game
  1. Make your play!
  2. Mow your lawn and enjoy it.
  3. Do an interesting job and talk about it.
  4. If you are on a hunt be hungry!
  5. Stay with the farmer and take care of his flowers.
  6. Respect the camel.
  7. Say hi to Paola and give her a good time.
  8. Shout your loving mouth and listen.
You are invited to help us developing the 'Chllng.Me' game by writing comments, finding solutions, creating challenges, making donations and promoting this blog.